About Me!

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Alison Gervais is the author of In 27 Days and The Silence Between Us, for which she received the 2020 Schneider Family Honor Book Award. Alison works at a nonprofit organization that provides services to people with disabilities and writes as often as she can. Currently she lives in Colorado with her husband and their two daughters.



Writing a book report and/or just curious?
Here are some answers to some frequently asked questions!

When’s your birthday?: November 28

Where were you born?: San Diego, California

How long have you been writing?: Believe it or not, since the age of five!

Are you Deaf?: No! I am Hard of Hearing and would consider myself at an intermediate level using American Sign Language (ASL).

Have you always worn hearing aids?: No! I got my first hearing aid when I graduated high school.

What do you do when you get writer’s block?: Go for long walks and try to take a break from the project if I can. A fresh perspective can do wonders!

Will you ever traditionally publish any of your other Wattpad stories?: At this time, there are no plans to publish any other stories that have been posted on Wattpad! 

Do you have any advice for other aspiring authors?: It might sound silly to say, but my advice would be: never stop writing! You’re writing because you have a story to tell, so you should tell that story the way you want to. 


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