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Czech AND Polish editions of IN 27 DAYS!

Hello all you lovely readers!

I am so behind in posting this, so firstly, let me offer my apologies! Life has been throwing me more curveballs than expected lately, and only now am I feeling as if I can breathe normally again.


I am so unbelievably excited to announce that IN 27 DAYS has been translated into Czech and Polish!

It was unbelievable – and still is – that IN 27 DAYS was published in English, but now in Czech and Polish too? I’m still having a hard time wrapping my mind around it. Take a look at these cool covers:


And just because it’s so gorgeous, I’m going to throw up the cover for the Spanish edition of IN 27 DAYS too.


So click on my “Books!” page to check out where you can purchase your Polish, Czech, or Spanish editions of IN 27 DAYS! 😀

Happy reading!

Lots of love,


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